Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Changes in the Suite

Main room:

1. You can move around your mirror and shelves!

2. The corner on the right of your main room is gone and the wall is further away.

3. New right and left ‘arrows’ to walk around in your suite.


4. You can change other people’s hair, makeup etc. in their MeDoll Editor.

5. New icon images.

6. The view of the small house map has changed: The MeDoll editor is now a room on the right of your main room, but there’s no door to it… + It also says how many items are in each room (meaning a limited amout of items in each room!!

Take a look...


chai April 29, 2009 at 9:24 PM  

:)i'm so happy right now..

for those who have questions.. just leave it on box..:))

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