Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Rumors about Gem Necklace

A friend of mine told me that she found a gem necklace in her suite, inside the starplaza's shopping bag without buying it. I was surprised, and thought that its just another glitch, but I guess it's not. The rumors was it was a gift by AskPaulinaGirls. I don't have it maybe because I quit to all the clubs that I joined. Tell me if you got it.

Thanks for the picture, TSI

And yes, this may not look like a necklace, but it is...

FACT: Its not true that when you buy the "green with envi bag" you will received it for free.


Laura May 23, 2009 at 4:19 AM  

Yeah I got it check it out on my person. I don't know where it came from tho!! Here its FishyFishy_101 I have it.

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