Saturday, May 9, 2009

Superstar Membership for Free

If you want to be superstar for free click here, but be sure that you can read and understand Chinese character. Yes, if you are a member of stardoll china, you are instant superstar, you don’t need to avail the superstar membership, and you can enjoy all the superstar features.

You can use Google translator.

It’s funny though I don’t really know how to speak or just right a single character in Chinese but I guess getting used to Stardoll was enough for you to play Stardoll China.

If the stardoll China or Chinese stardoll (I dunno if how I can label the Stardoll with chinese characters) can afford to make their all members as a superstar for free, so why does the stardoll that we used to can't make it? I hope stardoll can explain all this things.

NOTE: It will take ages before you can make an account in STARDOLL CHINA, the server was too slow.


NguyenHo May 16, 2009 at 1:26 AM  

Hi,I was trying to open an account in China Stardoll, but I get stuck at the mail address and phone number, LOL. Thanks for the info. though. Yeah, and Im so jealous @ Chinese members, they can play it all free. Its not fair!!

NguyenHo May 16, 2009 at 1:26 AM  

Hi,I was trying to open an account in China Stardoll, but I get stuck at the mail address and phone number, LOL. Thanks for the info. though. Yeah, and Im so jealous @ Chinese members, they can play it all free. Its not fair!!

chai May 16, 2009 at 2:38 AM  

I told you, hahah it will take ages before you can have the account in stardoll china.

I suggest that when you fill up the form, use translator for awhile,then turn it off.



Anonymous,  October 31, 2009 at 4:27 AM  

lol i made a account

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